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Beta Chapter

Meet the Beta Chapter Officers

President Kina

Vice President Angie


Beta Chapter of Delta Zeta Psi Sorority, Inc. was chartered on the 7th day of July 2023, led by the
President Kina DeShazor, who has shown exceptional dedication and passion in expanding Delta
Zeta Psi Sorority, Inc. sisterhood. From the beginning, our founder recognized the potential of
Kina and how she would expand the sorority. Kina started formulating a plan and compelling
ideas. She had a clear vision of how she wanted the first probate of this chapter to unfold. She
came up with the perfect nickname for our chapter- B.O.L.D Beta Chapter which stands for
“Beautiful, Outstanding, Loyal, Diligent”. A while later her supportive line sister, Angie Sears-
Floyd joined her on this journey and became the Vice-President. Angie also had numerous ideas
and promptly took action. Together they worked tirelessly to create a welcoming and
empowering environment for new members. This established a strong foundation for the
dedicated and influential women who are members of our sorority. 
We can’t forget the first line, SophisticateD 8, consisting of Sorors Renay, Jacquie, Emma,
Wendy, Kim, Maxayn, Keisha, and Red, who joined the chapter on the 4th of May 2024, and
made the sisterhood even more special.


Our sisterhood is based on giving respect, unity, and volunteering in our community. Our sisters empower women to achieve their dream in life.


Delta Zeta Psi Sorority Inc.

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